Articles by tag: online learning

6 Internship Program Best Practices (Plus, How to Get the Most From Your Interns)
6 Internship Program Best Practices (Plus, How to Get the Most From Your Interns)  What comes to mind when you hear the word “intern?” Often, people associate internships with...
Is Unlimited PTO a Good Idea? Here’s Why It Can Be Problematic for Businesses
At first glance, unlimited PTO may sound like a great addition to any compensation package. Who wouldn’t want the ability to take off as many days as they...
Free Courses to Help Laid Off Workers Build New Skills During the COVID-19 Pandemic
At KnowledgeCity, we work hard to help our community however we can. There have been many business disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and we are witnessing firsthand...
Maintaining Your Company Culture During Stay-At-Home Mandates
There are many complications thrown at us due to COVID-19. Although stressful, we are in this challenge together, and we are pooling resources and sharing tips so that...
Why Title IX Compliance Training Is Critical
If you work in education, you’ve certainly heard of Title IX. But how long has it been since you reviewed or trained for compliance? Are your employees aware...
Is Unconscious Bias Hurting your Organization?
Without considering the harm unconscious bias is causing your organization, you will never know if you risk falling behind in rapidly diversifying workplaces. Recent research shows that companies who are less...
Using Virtual Learning Tools to Create Training Experiences
You’ve worked hard on your training presentation, incorporating graphics, interactive exercises and discussion groups. As you watch the faces of younger employees, you notice that many of them...
Start Alternative Learning the Right Way
It’s  a new year, and your fingers flutter across the keyboard, searching to fulfill a dream you know will take you to the top: new skills, a new...
Storytelling: Using Stories to Engage Learners
“Once upon a time” are some of the most well-known words in the English language. As soon as you hear those words, your mind sets itself up to...
Why Data Should Drive Your Training Strategy
In just one year, the number of learning and development professionals who said data plays a significant role in their work rose sharply - jumping from 47 percent...
Job Training Reinvestment Is More Critical Than Ever
A new CareerBuilder study indicates that those who fail to revisit technical job training could be at substantial risk of losing their jobs. Technical skills and knowledge are in...