Articles by tag: employee training

Using Virtual Learning Tools to Create Training Experiences
You’ve worked hard on your training presentation, incorporating graphics, interactive exercises and discussion groups. As you watch the faces of younger employees, you notice that many of them...
How Does an LMS Make Compliance Training Easy?
Behind every effective computer-based employee training program is an equally effective learning management system (LMS). Content may be the beating heart of the eLearning experience. But the LMS...
6 Benefits of Having Compliance Training Online
Compliance and return-on-investment (ROI) are daily operational factors in almost every industry. Consequently, it’s critical that your employee training hits the mark in these areas to maximize effectiveness...
How Can You Maximize Employee Training Value?
Employee training value means vastly different things to different organizations. To some, training is merely a necessary evil to meet a mandatory, and sometimes arbitrary, quota. These organizations fill...
Why Your Organization Needs eLearning Platforms Now
Today, 77 percent of U.S. companies give their employees access to online training programs. eLearning platforms boost  employee's professional development and, ultimately, the company’s bottom line. If you...
The Health Benefits of Continued Learning
Research findings through the past decade indicate a variety of long-term health benefits of brain stimulation through continuous learning. Life-long education not only stimulates soft skills but also serves...
3 Learning Management Trends Coming in 2019
Learning management, particularly in the corporate space, is a growth industry. And, it's not showing signs of slowing down any time soon. In fact, a whopping 98 percent...
3 Ways Mansplaining Could Be Harming Your Workplace
Merriam-Webster added mansplaining to its dictionary in 2018, indicating the verb describes “when a man talks condescendingly to someone (especially a woman) about something he has incomplete knowledge...
5 Ways to Embrace Workforce Trends in 2019
With each new year, we face new workforce trends and initiatives with various levels of practicality. In 2018, we saw employee microchipping and limiting employee food expenses to...
Use Your Team’s Learning Style to Your Advantage
In our ever-evolving workplaces, employees are constantly bombarded with all sorts of information. The problem with this kind of information overload is that it can quickly lead to...
Storytelling: Using Stories to Engage Learners
“Once upon a time” are some of the most well-known words in the English language. As soon as you hear those words, your mind sets itself up to...