Articles by tag: job skills

Closing the Skills Gap: How to Find and Develop Capable Employees
In 2018, we published an article about the skills gap in the United States – the difference between the number of unfilled positions and the number of people...
The $8.5 Trillion Skills Gap and How HR Can Address It
The world is already facing a serious talent deficit, and it is poised to get worse in the coming years. “Future of Work Findings” from Korn Ferry estimates...
Employee Engagement Metrics: Which Ones Should HR Be Using?
In Human Resources, employee engagement is an extremely important standard to aim for because it’s a catalyst for both business and professional growth. Engaged employees are typically more...
Leadership Training Topics: What to Include
Leadership is a skill consistently sought after by employers, highly valued for both new hires and those within the ranks aspiring to rise. Indeed, a significant 63% of...
25 Skills Every New HR Professional Needs for Success
When you’re new to the world of human resources, you must act as a sponge soaking in everything around you. This can get overwhelming and exhausting as you...
Driving Employee Growth Through Upskilling
As technology continues to evolve more rapidly than human beings, the number of workers who are familiar with the technology gets smaller and smaller. When most people enter...
Maintaining Soft Skills in Remote Work Environments
The COVID-19 pandemic flipped almost every single industry on its head. Even the few sectors of the business world that made money due to the pandemic (delivery services,...
10 Strategies to Improve Employee Relations
Today’s job seekers are savvier than ever and are looking for companies with a reputation for having a positive culture. Ensuring your employee relations are the best they...
Free Courses to Help Laid Off Workers Build New Skills During the COVID-19 Pandemic
At KnowledgeCity, we work hard to help our community however we can. There have been many business disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and we are witnessing firsthand...
How to Improve Communication with Remote Employees
New technology has contributed to a rise in employees working remotely. Right now, there’s a good chance your job has become remote thanks to COVID-19. This opens up...
Why Every Industry Can Benefit from Soft Skills Training
When an organization has leaders and employees that are sharp with their soft skills, they form a competitive edge against those who rely too much on automation and...