Is Your Training Transferring to the Workplace?

As companies rely more and more on their team’s knowledge, skills and abilities; we must ask: How well is your training transferring to the workplace?

Illustration with words and icons related to training, including coaching, teaching, knowledge, skills, experience, and development.

The True Cost of Training and Development

Here is the scenario:  You have taken the initiative and spent $1,200 per employee for learning and development training.

Your company’s leadership spent the time to develop the courses, somewhere between 40 and 80 hours, for one hour of instructor-led training.  Your team spent time away from their jobs to obtain the training; factoring in employee wages and productivity losses.

You send your employees off into the workplace hoping they learned something they can use in their day to day activities.  Was it worth it?  How do you measure the success of training?

Your employees have a certificate proving they attended, a nice addition to their employee file, but did they walk away with new knowledge they can use?  Did they retain anything that was covered in the training?

Skills Learned in Training Rarely Transfer

According to statistics, only 12 percent of learners apply the skills from training to their job and only 25 percent of training programs improve business performance.

The time it takes to develop a training program is often an overlooked factor in training budgets.  However, developing a course and training structure that will enable employees to utilize what they learned in the workplace to increase their productivity, is profoundly important.

New Flexible Learning Management Systems are taking corporate training to new levels with Virtual Reality, Gamification, Social Learning, and Personalization.

How to Improve Retention Rates

A well-developed training program can deliver the training anywhere, anytime, and in smaller bite-sized chunks.  The key to retention is delivering engaging training, in smaller segments that can be accessed anytime allowing for repeatability and reference.

When your team can go back and repeat a difficult segment of the training or reference that section later during the workday, the retention and utilization of the training is transferred to the workplace. has courses that are designed with training retention in mind. Browse our Business, Computer Software, Safety, Compliance, and Finance courses and discover new skills to help you get ahead.

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