Articles by tag: employee learning

Training Your Employees Online: 10 Best Practices for Virtual Training Success
As businesses worldwide shift to remote operations, they're finding new ways to provide goods and services to customers. As a result, employees must take on new tasks and...
10 Must-Have LMS Features for Any Employee Training Program
One of the most important things you can do as a business is to have highly skilled employees at every level of your organization. What’s just as important...
Closing the Skills Gap: How to Find and Develop Capable Employees
In 2018, we published an article about the skills gap in the United States – the difference between the number of unfilled positions and the number of people...
How to Use Employee Coaching to Improve Productivity
A lot of factors contribute to the success of an organization, and employees are one of the most important. Engaged employees usually equate to productive employees, and can greatly...
What Training Companies Can Teach HR Managers About Navigating the Post-Pandemic Workplace
When the COVID-19 pandemic began changing the way we thought about our lives and our work, employee training companies were also forced to shift how they delivered content...
How to Improve the Efficacy of Employee Training
Picture this: It’s a routine Wednesday afternoon, halfway through a hectic work week, and you’re told that you need to complete a routine employee training module. You’re tired...
3 Key Employee Soft Skills That Will Drive Pandemic Recovery
While it’s true that for years to come, organizations will continue to respond to the global effects brought on by the pandemic, there is one renewed focus in...
How to Emotionally Engage Your Employees (and Set Your Organization Up for Success)
Today’s human resource managers and business leaders have a lot on their plate: new technologies, constantly shifting preferences of their consumer base and (more and more) a workforce...
The Top 5 Soft Skills Every Employee Needs for Business to Thrive in 2022 and Beyond
The challenges that companies face in 2022 are significantly different from any previous year. The COVID-19 pandemic has turned the tables, requiring many companies to pivot their efforts...
5 Ways to Enhance Employee Wellness as the Pandemic Continues
It’s fair to say that we’ve all struggled in our own ways during the COVID-19 pandemic. The stress, grief, anxiety and uncertainty have taken a toll on us,...
How to Use Microlearning to Boost Productivity in the Workplace
As much as we might like to think our brains are super-machines that can get anything done if we just “put our minds to it,” brains have strict...