Articles by tag: customer satisfaction

How to Exceed Customer Expectations During the Coronavirus Pandemic
If it’s been hard for you to keep your business afloat while also maintaining stellar customer service, you’re not alone. The disruptions that businesses have felt as a...
Five Easy Ways to Improve Customer Service
In today's competitive business world, customer service can be a competitive advantage for your business. If you are able to provide excellent customer service, you can produce a...
How to Identify Customer Types and Resolve Complaints
For those of us working with clients and customers regularly, it only takes a few words to make our skin crawl: “I’d like to speak to management, please.”...
5 Ways Employee Engagement Gives You a Competitive Edge
Overuse has pushed the term “employee engagement” into the realm buzzwords – a vast, empty expanse of concepts that are devoid of any real meaning. Consequently, business owners...