The Gifts of Gab—5 Ways Business Podcasts Can Boost Your Company

There are 67 million podcast listeners in the United States alone. That’s 21 percent of the population. Undoubtedly your customers are tuning into something. As prominent businesses and celebrities alike flock to the medium, the podcasting trend shows no signs of stopping. How can you utilize the growing trend of business podcasts for your company, and why is it of any benefit?

Top 5 Ways Business Podcasts Can Boost Your Company

1. Talk Is Cheap

This is one of the greater benefits of podcasting; the cost of setting one up is remarkably low. With the purchase of a good USB microphone, audio mixing software, and a web domain to host your podcasts, you have about 90 percent of the physical aspect to recording down. All that is left is a quiet room to record in. As such, there is not much of an investment to lose should your podcast miss the mark. Now it is on to the creative aspects of running business podcasts for your company to make sure it doesn’t flop.

2. Personalize Your Product

Business podcasts give your company a remarkable opportunity to interact with your customers on a personal level. If you are not seizing this opportunity, it is likely your competitors are.

What makes your company unique? Tell the story. The journey your company has taken is unlike any other. The highs and lows alike can be leveraged in a podcast to personalize your product with listeners. And believe it or not, they want to hear about it!

The percentage of people who will seek out and identify with the “About Us” page on your site is minuscule when compared to the number who want to hear an embarrassing story about a meeting you had in your company’s early stages. Podcasts bring listeners behind the scenes. Who doesn’t love a good “Sneak peek?” The more customers learn about what it took to get your company going, the more personal it becomes to them.

3. Stand Out as an Authority

Another great way to build authority for your business is through association. By aligning your podcasts with other prominent brands in your field, you begin to set yourself up as an authority figure. Conducting interviews with industry leaders builds trust over time. As listeners trust you, they trust your brand.

If done right, a regular podcast can also increase your standing as an authority in your field. As with your written content, you want to ask yourself a few questions before publishing each podcast. Is the information you are providing useful? Does it relate to your product or field? Will people find the topic entertaining? If you can answer all three questions affirmatively, then on with the show!

4. Create a Unique Brand

A well-executed podcast can really help create or enhance your branding. You get free market research from every show, and direct feedback from listeners is also provided through comments. There are a number of ways podcasts help enhance your branding, including:

  • Catering to Your Audience– Analysis of your listeners can help you better tailor your brand to their needs.
  • Building Customer Trust– Customers who identify with your brand personally are most likely to continue using it.
  • Creating Brand Partnerships– Finding brands to align with provides numerous opportunities to cross market and can be a great catalyst for growth.
  • Finding Your Voice– Utilizing feedback and tailoring your podcasts to your market will hone and sharpen your company’s unique voice.
  • Thinking Outside Your Own Box– Often new ideas are thought up during podcast interviews. New questions force you to think about your company in different ways.

5. Advertising Through Podcasts

Who doesn’t want a piece of a $50 million dollar pie? Another great benefit to your business— podcasts attract advertisers in a big way. Advertisers looking to capitalize on the familiarized voice and trust gained from podcasts will pay top dollar to be featured in one. An effective podcast is a great way to bring in steady revenue or capture the attention of investors.

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