Flextime: Your Competitive Edge

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, 44 percent of working adults said that their current job negatively affects their health. Workplace stress has become more of a problem today than it was a decade ago. Everyone has gone through work-related stress at one point or another in life. Whether the cause of your stress is the workload, job security, or work-life imbalance, your productivity is greatly affected by it.

One of the ways that companies can reduce work-related stress for employees is by adopting a flexible working hours’ policy. Flexible work hours are beneficial to both the organization as well as the workers – a win-win situation. According to the global survey ‘Flexible: Friend or Foe?’ conducted by Vodafone, 83 percent of business professionals reported that there was an increase in productivity because of flexible working hours.

A study conducted by Penn State economists found that the “flexibility to balance work with personal needs makes employees happier, ultimately boosting productivity and retention”. There are various reasons why working flexible hours can help boost your productivity. Some of the reasons include:

Flexible Hours Lead to Increased Productivity

  • Improved Work-Life Balance

    When you can work flexible hours, you have better control on your time and can make plans accordingly. You will no longer have to miss your niece’s birthday because your work only gets done post-10pm. With flexible hours, you can give equal time to both work and personal commitments. There is absolutely no need to compromise on your sleep just so you can fit in work as well as time with your near and dear ones.

  • Reduced Absenteeism

    Having flexible work hours is directly linked with reduced absenteeism. After all, why do you need to take a day off from work, when you can just take advantage of the flexible hours? A relaxed work schedule allows you to move around the hours as you like. You can start your work, go out for your appointment, and then get back to work with such a schedule.

    Bored young woman at office desk, looking away from computer with a thoughtful expression.

  • Builds a Trusting Relationship

    When an organization gives you the autonomy of working whatever hours you want, it makes you feel like you are trusted. You utilize your freedom very well and tend to finish all the work assigned to you because you have reaped the benefits of the system. The organization, in turn, benefits from your productivity.

  • Use Time Wisely

    When it comes to productivity, all of us are different. While some may be more productive in the mornings, there are some who peak during the nights. Flexible working hours give you the opportunity to choose to work during hours in which you will be more productive.

  • Continuing Education

    A well-educated employee is a boon to any company. With working hours that can be rearranged to suit your schedule, you will have the time and energy to pursue courses that will further your career.

Make the most of your flexible work hours with KnowledgeCity. We offer you more than 10,000 online video tutorials in the sectors of Banking, Business, Safety Compliance, and Computer Software. If you are still not sure how to juggle all that life throws at you, learn more about Finding Work-Life Balance and Time Management with our online training courses. The best part? You can try these courses for Free Demo!

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