
5 Challenges of Starting a New Job
The challenges of starting a new job can be daunting, but they don’t have to be. Recognizing and preparing for them in advance can help you reduce your...
Flexible Jobs: The Top 5 Unexpected Pros and Cons
Flexible jobs can thank the evolving technological world for their growing popularity. As industries advance, the ease by which to work freelance and remotely increases. Additionally, the opportunities...
Improve Your Multitasking Skills in Four Simple Steps
As technology advances, it creates numerous avenues for getting things done.  We’re working on multiple projects and performing various tasks all at the same time—but what are the...
Workforce Management Trends
One thing you can count on in management is change. Keeping up with workforce management trends means keeping up with competitors. The following are some of the most...
Five Ways to Improve Company Culture
Company culture dictates what the day-to-day work life of your employees is like within your company. It is how your company’s vision and mission statement translate to the...

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Pros & Cons of Different Types of Employee Compensation
Employee Compensation and benefits can vary based on the type of structure that works best for your organization and project. Between hourly wages, salaried pay, and everything in...
3 Tips to Improve Your Soft Skills
Like anything else, soft skills can be learned. The importance of soft skills training cannot be stressed enough. The interpersonal skills you gain throughout life will not only...
4 Ways to Grow Your Close Rate
Close rates are at the front of every salesperson’s mind whenever pitching to a prospect. These are what track your progress and define your success. If you want...
Personal Financial Planning
Financial anxiety is one of the most common stresses in life.  Whether it’s not having enough money, not knowing how to manage the money we have, or worrying...
Leadership Skills You Can Learn
What is a leader? A leader is a multifaceted style that encompasses more than managing people. According to Kevin Kruse in an article for Forbes, “Leadership skills don't...
The Fundamental and Importance of Human Resources Management
What is human resources management (HRM) and its importance within a business context? Human resource management, interchangeable with talent management, is the department that functions within an organization...