10 Effective Communication Techniques

Effective communication in the workplace leads to positive workflow and higher productivity. It provides clear direction, making each member of your teams aware of expectations so they can consciously deliver on them. These 10 communication techniques can help businesses of any size to produce better end products and services to enjoy higher profits.

Smiling businesswoman shaking hands with a colleague during a meeting with a male partner.

1. Get to the Point

A quick five-minute conversation motivates employees far more than a three-hour lecture. Be concise in your communication. When you start to over talk your point, your audience will just tune you out.

2. Plan Ahead

Whether it’s a large meeting or a one-on-one chat, make sure to organize your thoughts before talking with employees. You’ll quickly lose their attention if you’re fumbling through notes to find talking points.

3. Be Specific When Providing Feedback 

Take mental (or physical) notes of how your employees are performing and then use those to provide specific feedback. “You’re doing a great job!” is a nice pat on the back, but “I really appreciate you coming in early yesterday to complete that project” shows a greater depth of acknowledgment for a job well done.

4. Follow a 3:1 ratio

Not all feedback is going to be positive, but negative feedback is better received when it’s accompanied by good points. For every one thing wrong that you need to point out to an employee, make sure that you’re also mentioning three things that they did right to encourage improvement.

5. Always Have Honorable Intentions

Employees will see right through any communication that’s meant to manipulate or mislead them. Effective communication in business has to be built on a foundation of trust, where it’s apparent that the business and its employees’ best interests are always the top priorities.

6. Always Be Consistent With Your Communication

Nothing will break down clear direction in the workplace faster than inconsistency in your communication. If you need to make a change in policy or try a different business strategy, make sure you are clear with the changes and offer explanations for the decisions.

7. Consider How to Relay Certain Communications

There are circumstances where an email or text message is an appropriate way to contact an employee. In contrast, there are also times when it’s best to meet face-to-face with your employee. Think about the way you would want your superiors to relay a similar message to you and then follow that lead.

8. Always Invite Feedback 

Business communication is only effective if the recipient understands it. Watch for signs of confusion and invite your employees to ask questions. An employee may be embarrassed to admit not understanding your communication, so it’s up to you to ensure that they do. Asking them what they got out of the conversation is a good way to gauge how much of it was clear to them.

9. Don’t Put Off Difficult Discussions

You can’t afford to avoid a conversation with an employee for any reason. Problematic situations will only get worse the longer you wait to address them. When dealing with a conflict, be respectful and kind but hold your ground. Don’t put the conversation off until a later date.

10. Be a Perfect Listener

This is probably the best advice a person in power can get when learning techniques for effective communication. If you’re dismissive when an employee comes to you with an idea, concern, or for guidance, expect to get the same from them when it’s your turn to talk.

 Learning Successful Communication

Successful business leaders know the importance of effective communication. They make a point to practice techniques that reinforce that in the workplace. Start implementing these in your business today, and the clear direction you provide will make a huge difference in how your employees perform.

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