Work-life Balance

Flextime: Your Competitive Edge
According to the Harvard School of Public Health, 44 percent of working adults said that their current job negatively affects their health. Workplace stress has become more of...
How to Master Chaos and Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions
The beginning of a new year feels like a clean slate. But as the holidays fade away and the pace picks back up again, it can be hard...
Avoid the Email Trap—Tips for Email Productivity
The Trap of Email Productivity The average American worker spends over 30 hours each week checking their email. While email is a modern communication miracle, it can also be...
How to Capitalize on the Dominant Freelance Workforce
57 million Americans are members of the freelance workforce. What’s more is that the majority of these workers began freelancing by choice, not out of necessity. What’s more...
The Raise (and How to Get One)
It’s the one thing most people want, and think they deserve, but never ask for: a raise. Even when they possess the business skills to deserve one, most...

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Productivity in the Workplace: Tips from the Pros
The average person gets interrupted once every eleven minutes throughout the workday.  When these interruptions occur, it can take up to 15 minutes to re-engage with our tasks....
5 Challenges of Starting a New Job
The challenges of starting a new job can be daunting, but they don’t have to be. Recognizing and preparing for them in advance can help you reduce your...
Flexible Jobs: The Top 5 Unexpected Pros and Cons
Flexible jobs can thank the evolving technological world for their growing popularity. As industries advance, the ease by which to work freelance and remotely increases. Additionally, the opportunities...
When to Say “No” in the Workplace
Many workers pressure themselves to say “yes” in order to accommodate and serve others. According to The Wall Street Journal, people will say "yes" because saying no makes...