Erin Shankie

Erin has a master’s degree in Education-Instruction, as well as certifications in Nonprofit Leadership and Facilitative Leadership. She is close to completing her dissertation for her Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership and has spent her career fostering change. She manages, consults, and provides training and education for organizations. Her focus is on building better communication, stronger leaders, and cohesive teams through improved leadership, organizational development, strategic planning, team building, change management, and communication.
Leading With the Heart: Why Empathetic Leadership Is Effective
Empathetic leadership is becoming a more common practice among leaders in today’s workplaces. Being an empathetic leader means displaying a genuine interest in the rest of the team....
How to Train Employees: Best Strategies and Practices
The business landscape is in constant flux, driven by market shifts, technological advancements, and evolving workforce needs. By 2025, roughly half of all employees will require reskilling and...
The Importance and Use of Empathy in the Workplace
What Is Empathy? Empathy is your ability to understand others’ feelings. While empathy is practical for all relationships, it’s a key skill for the workplace. When someone shares a...

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